Top 5 Tips for pre-season cricket training

The coaches and the professional players suggest a number of tips for pre-season cricket training.

  1. Making the weekly net more specific, more is important than just going through the motions of going with bats and ball. It’s time now to make your weekly net more match-specific rather than just going through the motions of having a bat and a bowl.


If the call is of approval, then the batters should run, however runs they think intend. If the batter is an opener, they need to play accordingly and fend off the new ball,  but still score 4 run in an over against the setting of fielding.


  1. When bowling in a net, it needs to be sure that you mark your run up accurately, so you don’t bowl no balls. So, lot of players bowl no-balls in nets, which turns it very difficult to find your length and bowl with any beat when the season starts. Indoor nets are the ideal time to find some tempo to make sure that you are bowling just behind the crease to help to do that.


  1. One more way to help out to get some regular beat of arrangement  and to be sure your  consistence of hitting the right areas is the spot bowling. It is performed  as a of mark an area where your ‘ball’ would land at the strikers end. Then bowling an over and seeing the number of times  one can spot the ball in the coned shaped area. In this way you do not have any worry in regard to the position of the batter.

cricket practice

  1. Once the season is about to start, a great way to replicate a match situation while in a training environment is through middle practice. It is an opportunity to get out of a net environment and onto one of your wickets on the square.


  1. It’s always a good idea to do some cricket-specific fitness to prepare you for long stints at the crease. Interval training is better at building up cricket-specific fitness, than a long run. Following the interval session is a good one for a batsman. Run after the fifteen second break, do this 6 times as if you have scored 2 from each of the ball in the over. Then a break for a 2 minutes before doing it again.

Following the above 5 tips you ensure you and your club side are fully prepared once the season gets in progress.