About the Cricket Net

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The batsmen and the bowlers need improving the technique of cricketing ceaselessly. So they need to do net practicing which consists of natural or artificial cricket pitch enclosed either side and the rear. It is optional that the roof is also covered. The bowling end of the net remains open. The cricket net is similar to baseball nets, though there are some basic differences.  The baseball net provides complete control of the ball, but the cricket nets don’t.

The purpose of the net

The main purpose of the cricket net is to prevent the ball moving across the field, thereby  saving time and getting rid of the need for fielders. They also negate the need for a wicket-keeper should ball travel past the bat. They allow greater intensity of training, specifically when multiple lane cricket nets are used. Cricket nets allow solitary batting practice when used with a bowling machine.

The use of the net

Cricket nets are used at all levels of playing. The professional cricket establishments use ten lanes nets and are able to carry out both outdoor and indoor games.  In educational institutions the use of is very common. This is  desirable in the fields of schools, colleges, and Universities to allow safety training among the larger number of crowds of pupils. The significant constraint is highly necessity in these areas. Cricket nets are, in fact, highly common among the people for the rightful development of the young and the promising players.image_pallisree_blog

The types of net used

Indoor and outdoor: are the two types of nets used by the cricketers.

Indoor cricket net is different from its counterpart. They cling to an aluminium pathway  fixed to the ceiling of the sports halls. These nets can be  dropped  8–4 metres to get to the ground, before moving  at least 20 metres crossways. It provides a  considerable practice enclosed space.

Outdoor cricket nets are the standard and most common form of practice nets. They assume different  shape and forms. Some nets locally made or homemade while the others are professionally made and installed, and it is  followed all through the world. There are a few criterion followed in case of sizes.

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