
1. What is fielding in cricket?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

Fielding is the technique of catching, bringing and returning the ball hit by the batsman. There are 9 fielders for each team, as one of the 11 will be the […]

2. Who takes the role of fielding?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

Fielding is one of the important roles that players take up during a cricket match. This is done when their team bowl to the opposition.

3. What are the main aims of Fielder?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

There are twofold aims of a fielder. One is to stop or minimize the runs of the opponent batsmen. This is best done by collecting the ball after it has […]

4. What are the different fielding position?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

There are a number of fielding positions carrying on a variety of roles. The most important positions are:  a slip, gully, point, third man, fine leg, square leg, mid wicket, […]

5. How are the position of fielders determined?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

The fielders positions are easily determined after the angle and distance in relation to the batsman. For example, “mid off”  is the position of the middle distance to the off […]

6. Which is the most significant fielder point in cricket match?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

The point and the slip are the most significant positions in the field of cricket match because they are stationed in prime locations in order to catch the ball. Because […]

7. Are the positions of fielders fixed on the field?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

Fielders can be anywhere on the field, except the time the batsman is batting. In that case the fielders are not allowed to be over the wicket, and be in […]

8. Can fielders put on helmets, leg guards and gloves?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

If the fielders close to the batsman, are allowed use helmets and leg guards under their clothings. The wicket-keeper is positioned directly at the back of the batsman, and  the ball is […]

9. Can fielder stand at the back a bowler?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

This is a very controversial point in cricket association.  The MCC manual has not prevented a fielder being placed at the back of the umpire. . … Under the laws of cricket, fielders are not permitted […]

10. What is a Cow corner in the cricket field?

Thursday, July 5, 2018 ,

The  part of the field approximately between the wide long-on and deep mid-wicket is called Cow corner. It is so called,  because few genuine shots are intended to this part of […]

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