How a good batsman in cricket is made

To be a good batsman, you need to focus on the improvement of  your observation skills, focus on batting skills and quietness in the cricket training.   In the long run this will enhance the ability for batting

Sharpen the observation skill

The trainers teach the learners to observe the approach of the ball. If you are to face wide balls, it is better to leave it or else it might be caught by a fielder in the slip or the wicket keeper. It is desirable to change your place, hang on the position as the ball approaches to face the ball easily.  You can use either your front foot or the back foot. Never try to interpret.

Decide which shot to play

As the ball approaches, move your fore foot ahead, towards the ball with the approach of the ball if you make a decision to play the shot and the ball is full and complete. If the ball is not so long then you need to move your back foot backwards and somewhat away from you. Find out the right foot drives against the stroke.

Timing of the batting

Never hold the bat too tightly. Move your bat backward and forward, hit straight and pursue through with the swing. In the cricket training you are  also taught to cross the bat shots. But this requires more practice as it bears more risk. Full length of bowling with no sense of timing of traveling not more than 10 yards while an appropriately calculated shot with a bit power will get you more.

Be steady and straight while playing

Never lose your steadiness as you play the shots. Maintain  least amount of distance between your bat and the wickets. The coach of cricket training  can you help you with the best suggestion in this regards. This will reduce the possibility of getting out.

Concentrate on the balls

From time to time,  the bowler alter the speed and extent the bowl. This may be supportive for the bowler, but it is essential to know where the ball will be pitched. If it is shorter delivery, you will have the option to play. If the ball appears to be pitched at a better length, you can block, or accept a straight drive. A coach of cricket training helps you to know everything to learn the game in a very technical way.   

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