Square Cut shot in cricket


A square cut is a cross-batted stroke played off the back foot to place the ball square of the wicket or slightly backward of point. The perfect delivery for a square cut is a short pitched ball travelling wide off stump, allowing free movement of the arm.

The three key steps of the Square cut shot are:

The position

The shot

The follow through

Relax your body and assume the balanced posture and side-on posture gaining enough backlift to feed power to your the shot.

Get behind and over the ball by taking a step towards off stump with your toe facing point.

Move your body weight onto the ball of your back foot, and bend forward your head towards the line of the ball. Swing the bat across from a higher to a lower plane with extended arms as the ball draws to your side and roll your wrists to hit it along the ground.

Complete the stroke, bringing the bat over your shoulder, maintaining a balanced stance.

The technique of playing the Square Cut according to the position

Situation 1

Raise the bat in easy manner for the first backlift. Your left shoulder should point towards the ball. Look at the ball over your shoulder to stay side-on.

Raise the bat smoothly for the first backlift. Your left shoulder should point towards the ball. Look at the ball over your shoulder to stay side-on.

Situation 2

Shift your right foot across to the line of the ball. The feet should be similar to the stumps, with the toes indicate to the off side. Raise the bat directly up behind the head for the subsequent backlift.

Situation 3

Swing the bat from high to low, with your arms extended and the bat horizontal. Your right hand (bottom hand) should control the stroke. Transfer your weight to the right foot as you make contact with the ball.


Keep practicing the stroke to perfect your square cut.

Enjoy your game.