Cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world for years. Though originated in England, people throughout the world, particularly of West Indies, Sri Lanka, Australia, India feel crazy for cricket and there are lot of benefits of playing cricket.
Cricket is basically played with bat and ball between two teams, one involves in batting, and the other in bowling and fielding. There are teams of 11 players each side and a game lasts anywhere between several hours and several days.
Both male and female of any age between kids and adult, can play cricket either socially or competitively. The competitive cricket is generally played on a field. Cricket for fun is played in backyards, streets, parks, or on the beach. In this case you only need two friends, a bat and a ball, or some object that replicates wickets. But, competitive cricket is played following number of rules. To be aware of the basics of cricket, joining to a local club for practice is very effective. After that, register with any reputed cricket coaching camp for playing any competitive cricket later.
Fitness needed for cricket
Like any other sport, playing cricket needs fitness of body and strength of mind. The first important thing is the proper coordination of hand and eye and then the skill of ball handling. Cricket involves a more involvement of the body as it is the game of running between the wickets and, running to stop the ball together with bowling and throwing.
These activities involve in the cricket game need
Further benefits of cricket
Besides, health benefits, cricket brings other advantages and prospects such as:
How to avoid injury while playing cricket
Getting an injury is very common in playing cricket. But, you can avoid injury, if you follow a few simple tips: