Why warming up is important for cricket

Warming up for the sports is very important,  specially for the cricket match. Cricket requires exploding of power followed by a period of inactivity. If the cricketers wish to stay fit and free from injury, the cricketers must not neglect warming up for staying fit in the match.

The casual observer may think that cricket hardly need any effort to play game. But the bowlers and the batsman needs to bear excessive body strain. The fielders also need to be energetic as they require to stand on the field eyeing the ball and chasing it with explosive speed.

So, the cricketers need to warm up to stay lively to avoid injury. The warming up is the only way to do it. The effect of warm up vanishes within half an hour. It is because of this the cricketers need to warm up their muscles constantly on the field during the match.

How the warm up is done

The cricket warm-up  starts with 5 minutes of mild activities of jogging or walking to encourage blood circulation for enhancing the body temperature. It should be continued till the body covered with perspiration.

Once the warming up of the muscles is done, some stretching needs to be done, particularly the lower back, shoulders, hamstrings and calf muscles, including the other muscles to maintain the balance of the body. You need to spend around 10 minutes on this part of warming-up.

How the cool down is done

Be sure that your body never loses the effect of warming up. Keep the warming continues throughout the play.

The process of Warming down is as important as warming up.  This is practically, the cricketer’s post-match routine which is not taken care of like after-match social drink.

The cooling down is the gradually bring down the heart rate and removing  waste products, like lactic acid. Blood and oxygen to the muscles will restore them to the condition they had been before the exercise. This decreases  the threat to muscle soreness some time after play.

A warm-up and cooling down are as important to your pre-match and post match routine as remembering to wear protective gears.

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